Non conforming domain decomposition: The non conforming Steklov-Poincaré operator point of view

S. Bertoluzza

One of the common approaches to solve the linear system arising in the domain decomposition method is to formally reduce it, by a Schur complement argument, to a lower dimensional linear system whose unknown is the value of the (discrete) solution on the interface of the decomposition. Solving such reduced linear system by any iterative technique implies the need of solving, at each iteration, independent discrete Dirichlet problems in the subdomains. Such Dirichlet problems constitute the most relevant part of the computational cost of such an approach and therefore attention needs to be paid in reducing the actual computational cost of the subdomain solvers. A key observation in this respect is that what one expects as an output of the iterative procedure is a (correct order) approximation of the trace of the solution on the interface. There is no direct need of solving correctly the Dirichlet problems in the subdomains. The precision with which such problems are solved is only as relevant as its influence on the error on the trace of the solution on the interface. Only once the trace of the solution on the interface has been computed correctly, one will actually need to retrieve the solution in some or all of the subdomains. In order to take advantage of this observation it is useful to look at the Schur complement linear system as non conforming discretization of the Steklov-Poicaré operator, mapping a function defined on the interface, to the jump of the normal derivative of its harmonic lifting (computed subdomain-wise). The non-conformity stems from replacing the harmonic lifting with its discretization. If we look at the Schur complement system from this point of view, a straightforward application of the first Strang Lemma, shows that the discretization in the subdomains needs to be designed in order to provide a correct order approximation of outer normal derivative, while there is no direct need to actually provide a good approximation of the solution in the interior of the subdomains. The aim of this paper is to formalise the above considerations in the case in which the starting domain decomposition formulation is the three fields formulation, and to provide a rigorous error estimate for the trace of the solution on the the interface, showing that the mesh can actually be chosen to be sensibly coarser in the interior of the subdomains without affecting the precision of the interface approximation, resulting in a sensible reduction in computational cost of the subdomain solvers.

Preprint, 2002
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