Exploiting qualitative reasoning in the automated modelling of visco-elastic materials

by A.C. Capelo, L. Ironi, S. Tentoni

in Proc. 2nd Int. Conf on Intelligence Systems Engineering, Hamburg Sept 5th-9th 1994, Conference Publication n. 395, IEE (1994), 83-88.


Qualitative methods both for simulation and for interpretation of observations play a key role in the automation of the model formulation process. The qualitative interpretation of observations gathered from ad hoc designed experiments allows us to highlight some properties of the physical system under study, and consequently to make a guess for a set of plausible models of the phenomenon. In order to make such a guess automatic, an exhaustive library of models and of their corresponding qualitative response to standard experiments should be available. The selection of the set of the plausible models within the library may occur on the ground of the qualitative comparison between the simulated behaviors and the observations. This paper describes further progress in the construction of a system for the automated modelling of visco-elastic materials. More precisely, it describes an algorithm for the qualitative simulation of both creep and relaxation experiments. The completeness and soundness of the proposed algorithm is proved.

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    Liliana Ironi June 25th, 1996