Automated mathematical modeling from experimental data: an application to material science
by A.C. Capelo, L. Ironi, S. Tentoni
in IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part C. ,
28, 3 (1998), 356-370
Automated model formulation is a crucial issue towards the construction of computational environments that can reason about the behavior of a physical system. The procedure of mathematically modeling a given physical system
is quite complex and basically involves three
fundamental entities: the experimental data, a set of candidate models, and
rules for determining in such a set the ``best'' model which reproduces
the measured data. The construction of the candidate models is domain
dependent and is based on specific knowledge and techniques of the
application domain.
The choice of the best model is guided by the data themselves: a first
rough guess, which is suggested by the qualitative properties of the
observed behavior, is refined through system identification techniques
so that the quantitative properties of the observed behavior are assessed. Therefore, automating such a procedure requires to handle and integrate different formalisms and methods, both qualitative and quantitative. This
paper describes a comprehensive environment which aims at the automated formulation of an accurate quantitative model of the mechanical behavior of
an actual visco-elastic material in accordance with the observed response of
the material to standard experiments. To this end, algorithms and methods
for both the generation of an exhaustive library of models of ideal
materials and the selection of the most ``accurate'' model of a real
material have been designed and implemented. The model selection phase occurs
in two main stages: at first, the subset of most plausible candidate models
for the material is drawn out from the library in accordance with the
qualitative properties of the material which are highlighted by the
experimental data; then, the most accurate model of the material is
identified within such a set by exploiting both statistical and numerical
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Liliana Ironi