Uso della simulazione per lo studio del moto in sistemi di riferimento diversi
by L. Borghi, A. De Ambrosis, G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi, P. Mascheretti, C.I. Massara
in La Fisica nella Scuola, XXIV, 1, (1991), 21-26.
It is well known that high school students meet difficulties in visualizing the motion of an object in different frames of reference
and in understanding how observations made by different observers are related.
This paper presents a package, based on computer simulations, designed to
emphasize that, to describe a motion, the observer must define a frame of reference relative to which the motion is analyzed. The package helps
students to arrive by themselves to the Galilean transormation.
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Liliana Ironi
June 25th, 1996