Using QR to solve quantitative modeling problems: an application to intracellular thiamine kinetics
by R. Bellazzi, R. Guglielmann, L. Ironi
Fourtheen International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR2000), Morelia, June 5-7 2000, 9-17.
Recent works carried out within the Qualitative Reasoning (QR)
research framework are centred on the exploitation of QR techniques
to address the problem of quantitative System Identification (SI)
with the goal to enhance the overall process, namely the
selection of a proper model identifier and the parameter estimation
procedure. Traditional SI, both parametric and non-parametric, may
be really problematic for those application domains, such as the
medical/physiological one, of which either the available knowledge
is incomplete or the structure is not identifiable or the observed
data are poor in number and in quality. This paper deals with the
application of an hybrid method, which builds upon a qualitative
structural model a fuzzy system identifier, to solve identification
problems of the intracellular kinetics of Thiamine (vitamin B1).
The model obtained is not as much informative as a purely structural
one but robust enough to be used as a simulator, and then to provide
physiologists with a deeper understanding of the Thiamine metabolism
in the cells.
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Liliana Ironi