Liliana IRONI
Complete List of Publications
To request any of these papers please e-mail to
L. Borghi, A. De Ambrosis, G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi, P.
Mascheretti, E. Massara: Le oscillazioni e la loro propagazione, 2 volumi,
Ed. SEI, (1989), Torino.
R.M. Bottino, P. Forcheri, G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi, E.
Lemut, M.T. Molfino: Modelli di regressione lineare, 2 volumi,
Ed. SEI, (1989), Torino.
L. Ironi (ed.): Qualitative Reasoning - 11th International Workshop, Pubbl. 1036, IAN - CNR, (1997), 1-387.
G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi, M. Italiani: An interpreter which
flexibility and portability, ACM Sigcue
Bulletin, Computer Uses in Education, 10, 4 (1976), 21-24.
G. Gazzaniga, L.Ironi: Esperienze sull'impiego degli
elaboratori nell'istruzione, Quaderni d'Informatica, IV, 1 (1977),
G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi: Considerazioni sull'evoluzione del
ruolo del calcolatore nel CAI
- Esperienze condotte presso l'I.A.N., Informatica, 9, suppl. n. 3 (1979), 5-15.
- G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi: A CAI
course of exercises in
Numerical Analysis, ACM Sigcue Bulletin, Computer Uses in Education,
14, 2 (1980), 2-12.
- L. Borghi, A. De Ambrosis, G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi, P.
Mascheretti, C.I. Massara: Studio della propagazione di una perturbazione in
una corda mediante l'uso del calcolatore, Giornale di Fisica, 24,
1 (1983), 57-64.
- L. Borghi, A. De Ambrosis, G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi, P.
Mascheretti, C.I. Massara: Computer in physics education: An example dealing
with collision phenomena, Amer. J. Phys., 52, 7 (1984), 619-623.
- L. Borghi, A. De Ambrosis, G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi - P.
Mascheretti, C.I. Massara: Elastic waves in a medium: an interactive
graphics package, Computer & Education, 9, 1 (1985), 1-7.
- A. Capelo, C. Dos Santos, G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi:
esponenziale e logistica, L'insegnamento della Matematica e delle Scienze
Integrate, 10, 8 (1987), 795 - 838.
A. Garbagnoli, G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi: Un programma
interattivo grafico per l'approssimazione di dati, Informatica e Scuola,
1, 1 (1987), 5-10.
- L. Borghi, A. De Ambrosis, G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi, P.
Mascheretti, C.I. Massara: Uso di strumenti informatici nell'insegnamento
della fisica: unità didattica sulla propagazione di oscillazioni, La
Fisica nella Scuola, XXI, 1 (1988), 5-9.
A. Garbagnoli, G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi: REQUAL: un programma didattico per il calcolo delle radici algebriche, L'insegnamento della Matematica e delle Scienze integrate, 11, 2 (1988), 166-190.
- L. Borghi, A. De Ambrosis, G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi, P.
Mascheretti, C.I. Massara: Integrating computer simulations and the physics
laboratory: a unit dealing with wave propagation, Computer & Education,
13, 2 (1989), 179-186.
- L. Borghi, A. De Ambrosis, G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi, P.
Mascheretti, C.I. Massara: Practical use of simulations to study relative
motion, Computer & Education, 16, 2 (1991), 157-166.
L. Borghi, A. De Ambrosis, G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi, P.
Mascheretti - C.I. Massara: Uso della simulazione per lo studio del moto in
sistemi di riferimento diversi, La Fisica nella Scuola, XXIV, 1,
(1991), 21-26.
- L. Ironi, M. Stefanelli, G. Lanzola: Qualitative models in
medical diagnosis, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine,
2, (1990), 85-101 (also in: Deep Models for Medical Knowledge
Engineering, E. Keravnou (ed.), Elsevier, (1992), 51-70.).
- A.C. Capelo, L. Ironi, S. Tentoni: A model-based system
for the classification and analysis of materials,
Intelligent Systems Engineering, 2, 3 (1993), 145-158.
L. Ironi, M. Stefanelli: A framework for building and simulating
models of compartmental systems, Computer Methods and Programs
in Biomedicine, 42, (1994), 233-254.
A.C. Capelo, L. Ironi, S. Tentoni: Automated mathematical modeling from experimental data: an application to material science, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part C, 28, 3 (1998), 356-370.
R. Bellazzi, L. Ironi, R. Guglielmann, M. Stefanelli: Qualitative models and fuzzy systems: an integrated approach for learning from data, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 14, (1998), 5-28.
C. Bonferoni, C. Caramella, L. Ironi, S. Rossi, S. Tentoni:
Model-based interpretation of creep profiles for the assessment of polymer-mucin interaction,
Pharmaceutical Research, 16, 9 (1999), 1456-1463.
R. Bellazzi, R. Guglielmann, L. Ironi:
How to improve fuzzy-neural system modeling by means of qualitative simulation, IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, 11, 1, (2000), 249-253.
R. Bellazzi, R. Guglielmann, L. Ironi:
Learning from biomedical time series through the integration of qualitative models and fuzzy systems, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 21, 1-3 (2001), 215-220.
R. Bellazzi, R. Guglielmann, L. Ironi, C. Patrini:
A hybrid input-output approach to model metabolic systems: An application to intracellular thiamine kinetics, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 34 (2001), 221-248.
R. Guglielmann, L.Ironi, D. Liberati, A. Vercesi:
A fuzzy-neural model of the germination of Plasmopara Viticola oospores
Notiziario sulla Protezione delle Piante, 15 (2002), 309-314.
L. Ironi, S. Tentoni: A model-based approach to the assessment of physicochemical properties of drug delivery materials, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 27 , 6 (2003), 803-812.
L. Travé-Massuyès, L. Ironi, P. Dague:
Mathematical foundations of qualitative reasoning, AI Magazine, Special Issue on Qualitative Reasoning, 24(4) , (2003), 91-106.
Liliana Ironi, Stefania Tentoni: Automated detection of qualitative spatio-temporal features in electrocardiac activation maps, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine,
39, (2007), 99-111.
C.J. Price, L. Travé-Massuyès, R. Milne, L. Ironi, K. Forbus, B. Bredeweg, M.H. Lee, P. Struss. N. Snooke, P. Lucas, M. Cavazza, G.M. Coghill: Qualitative Futures, The Knowledge Engineering Review , 21 (4), (2006), 317-334.
L. Ironi, L. Panzeri: A computational framework for qualitative
simulation of nonlinear dynamical models of gene-regulatory networks, BMC
Bioinformatics (2009), 10(suppl 12):S14 doi:10.1186/1471-2105-10-S12-S14
A. Vercesi, S.L. Toffolatti, G.Zocchi, R. Guglielmann, L. Ironi: A new approach to modelling the dynamics of oospore germination in Plasmopara viticola, European Journal of Plant Pathology (2010) 128(1), pp. 113-126.
Liliana Ironi, Luigi Panzeri, Erik Plahte, Valeria Simoncini: Dynamics of actively regulated gene networks, Physica D (2011) 240, pp. 779-794, doi:10.1016/j.physd.2010.12.010,
R. Guglielmann, L. Ironi: A divide-and-conquer strategy for qualitative simulation and fuzzy identification of complex dynamical systems, Int. J. of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, (2011) 19(3), pp. 423-452 doi: 10.1142/S0218488511007076.
Liliana Ironi, Stefania Tentoni: Interplay of spatial aggregation and computational geometry in extracting diagnostic features from cardiac activation data, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, (2011) doi: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2011.01.009.
Liliana Ironi, Ettore Lanzarone: Assigning probabilities to qualitative dynamics of gene regulatory networks, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 69, Issue 6,(2014), pages 1661-1692, doi: 10.1007/s00285-014-0765-z.
Roderick Edwards, Liliana Ironi:
Periodic solutions of gene networks with steep sigmoidal
regulatory functions,
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 282 (2014) 1-15.
Liliana Ironi, Diana X. Tran:
Nonlinear and temporal multiscale dynamics of gene regulatory networks: A qualitative simulator,
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 125(2016), 15-37, doi:10.1016/j.matcom.2015.11.007.
Liliana Ironi, Ettore Lanzarone:
A model-based tool for the analysis and design of gene regulatory network,
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Vol. 15, No. 4 (2018), 1301 - 1314, doi:10.1109/TCBB.2017.2716942.
Liliana Ironi, Ettore Lanzarone:
Optimal robust search for parameter values of qualitative models of gene regulatory network,
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Vol. 19, No.2, (2022), 1050 - 1063, doi:10.1109/TCBB.2020.3006920.
Proceedings of International Conferences
- G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi: Some applications of computer aided
instruction to numerical analysis and programming languages, Computer in
Education I.F.I.P., North-Holland, (1975), 627-630.
- L. Borghi, A. De Ambrosis, G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi, P.
Mascheretti, C.I. Massara: Teaching mechanics with micro-computers: a
research at the University of Pavia, Proc. Conf. on Physics Education,
Utrecht, (1985), 514-519.
- L. Ironi, G. Lanzola, M. Stefanelli: A qualitative model
of iron metabolism, in:
J. Hunter, J. Cookson, J. Wyatt (eds.), Lectures Notes in Medical
Informatics, 38, Springer Verlag (1989), 147-166.
- L. Ironi, G. Lanzola, M. Stefanelli: The role of
qualitative models in diagnostic reasoning, Proc. AAAI Spring
Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Stanford, (1990), 85-89.
A.C. Capelo, L. Ironi, S. Tentoni: An algorithm for the
automated generation of rheological models, in: G.Rzevski, R.A. Adey (eds.), Applications of Artificial
Intelligence in Engineering VI, Computational
Mechanics Publications, (1991), 963-979.
- A.C. Capelo, L. Ironi, S. Tentoni: A qualitative
simulation algorithm for the rheological behavior of visco-elastic materials,
in: D.E. Grierson, G. Rzevski, R.A.
Adey (eds.), Applications of
Artificial Intelligence in Engineering VII, Computational Mechanics Publications, (1992), 1117-1130.
- A.C. Capelo, L. Ironi, S. Tentoni: A tool for the study
of materials combining qualitative and quantitative models, in:
Avignon '92, Artificial
Intelligence, Expert Systems, Natural Language, Vol. 2 (Specialized
Conferences), EC2 - Édition, Colloques & Conseil, Nanterre (1992), 689-695.
- M. Stefanelli, R. Bellazzi, C. Berzuini, L. Ironi, S.
Quaglini: Towards a general architecture for medical expert systems,
Proc. AAAI Spring Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine,
Stanford, (1992), 105- 112.
- L. Ironi, A. Cattaneo, M. Stefanelli: A tool for
pathophysiological knowledge acquisition, in: S. Andreassen, R. Engelbrecht, J. Wyatt (eds.), Artificial Intelligence in
Medicine, IOS Press, (1993),
- A.C. Capelo, L. Ironi, S. Tentoni: Automated modelling of
visco-elastic materials, Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on
Qualitative Reasoning about Physical Systems, Orcas Island (WA) (1993), 45-56.
- L. Ironi, M. Stefanelli: QCMF: a tool for generating qualitative models from compartmental structures, Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on
Qualitative Reasoning about Physical Systems, Nara (Japon) (1994), 144-155.
- A.C. Capelo, L. Ironi, S. Tentoni: Exploiting qualitative reasoning in the automated modelling of visco-elastic materials, Proceedings Second International Conference on Intelligent Systems Engineering, Hamburg, (1994), 83-88.
- L. Ironi, M. Stefanelli: Generating explanations of pathophysiological system behaviors from qualitative simulation of compartmental models, in: P. Barahona, M. Stefanelli, J. Wyatt (eds.), Lectures Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 934, Springer, (1995), 115-126.
- A.C. Capelo, L. Ironi, S. Tentoni: Qualitative interpretation of creep and relaxation experimental data, in: G. Rzevski, R.A.
Adey, C. Tasso (eds.), Applications of
Artificial Intelligence in Engineering X, Computational Mechanics Publications, (1995), 129-136.
- A.C. Capelo, L. Ironi, S. Tentoni: Automated selection of an accurate model of a visco-elastic material, in: B. Bredeweg (ed.), Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on
Qualitative Reasoning about Physical Systems, Amsterdam (1995), 32-43.
A.C. Capelo, L. Ironi, S. Tentoni: The need for qualitative reasoning in automated modeling: a case study, in: Y. Iwasaki, A.Farquhar (eds.), Qualitative Reasoning - The Tenth Int. Workshop, Stanford Sierra Camp (USA), 21-24 May 1996, AAAI TR WS-96-01, AAAI Press (1996), 32-39.
- R. Bellazzi, L. Ironi, R. Guglielmann, M. Stefanelli: Learning from data through the integration of qualitative models and fuzzy systems, in: E. Keravnou, C. Garbay, R. Baud, J. Wyatt (eds.), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 1211, Springer, (1997), 501-512.
- R. Bellazzi, L. Ironi, R. Guglielmann, M. Stefanelli:
Forecasting patient's behavior: a qualitative-fuzzy approach, in: P. Borne, M. Ksouri, A. El Kamel (eds.), Proc. CESA98, IMACS-IEEE Multiconference, 4, (1998), 410-415.
R. Bellazzi, R. Guglielmann, L. Ironi: A qualitative-fuzzy
framework for nonlinear black-box system identification, in: F. Zhao, K. Yip (eds.), Qualitative Reasoning - The Twelfth Int. Workshop, Cape Cod (USA),
26-29 May 1998, AAAI TR WS-98-01, AAAI Press (1998), 10-20.
L. Ironi, S. Tentoni: An integrated quantitative-qualitative approach to automated modeling of visco-elastic materials from experimental data, in: R. Teti (ed.), Proc. ICME 98 - CIRP International
Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, Capri,
1-3 July 1998, CUES-Salerno & RES Communication-Naples, 381-388.
L. Ironi, S. Tentoni: Assessment of physico-chemical properties of materials using a model based system, in: R. Milne (ed.), Qualitative and Model Based Reasoning for Complex Systems and their Control, IJCAI-99 Workshop, Stockholm 31 July 1999.
R. Bellazzi, R. Guglielmann, L. Ironi:
Using QR to solve quantitative modeling problems: an application to
intracellular thiamine kinetics, Fourtheen International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR2000), Morelia 5-7 June 2000, 9-17.
L. Ironi, S. Tentoni:
Model-based assessment of physico-chemical properties of pharmaceutical polymers, in: R. Teti (ed.), Proc. ICME 2000 - CIRP International
Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, Capri,
21-23 June 2000, CUES-Salerno & RES Communication-Naples, 321-326.
R. Bellazzi, R. Guglielmann, L. Ironi: Qualitative models and fuzzy systems: an integrated approach to system identification, in A. Bonarini, F. Masulli, G. Pasi (Eds.), Soft Computing Applications - Advances in Soft Computing,
Physica-Verlag, Berlin, (2003), 83-94.
R. Guglielmann, L.Ironi: Strategies for improving neuro-fuzzy identification of nonlinear dynamical systems, Proc. FSKD'02, Singapore 18-22 November 2002, Vol. 1, 59-63.
L. Ironi, S. Tentoni:
Towards automated electrocardiac map interpretation: an intelligent contouring tool based on Spatial Aggregation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2810 , (2003), 397-408.
L. Ironi, S. Tentoni: On the problem of adjacency relations in the Spatial Aggregation approach, Seventheen International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR2003), Brasilia 20-22 August 2003, 111-118.
R. Guglielmann, L. Ironi: The need for qualitative reasoning in fuzzy modeling: robustness and interpretability issues, 18th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR2004), Evanston August 2 - 4, 2004, 113-120.
R. Guglielmann, L. Ironi: Generating fuzzy models from deep knowledge: robustness and interpretability issues, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence , 3571 , (2005), 600-612.
L. Ironi, S. Tentoni: Activation time imaging of ventricular excitation: a qualitative spatio-temporal feature detector, Proc. 19th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR2005), Graz 18-20 maggio 2005, pp.16 - 22.
C.J. Price, L. Travé-Massuyès, R. Milne, L. Ironi, B. Bredeweg, M.H. Lee, P. Struss. N. Snooke, P. Lucas, M. Cavazza: Qualitative Futures, Proc. 19th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR2005), Graz 18-20 maggio 2005, pp. 29-37.
L. Ironi, S. Tentoni: Electrocardiographic Imaging: towards automated interpretation of activation maps, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence , 3581 , (2005), 323-332.
L. Ironi, L. Panzeri, E. Plahte: An algorithm for Qualitative Simulation of Gene Regulatory Networks with Steep Sigmoidal Response Functions, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5147 (2008) 110-124.
L. Ironi, L. Panzeri: Qualitative simulation of nonlinear dynamical models of gene-regulatory networks, in "Proc. 22nd international Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning" (Elizabeth Bradley, Louise Travé-Massuèys Eds.), Boulder, USA, 24-26 June 2008, pp. 58-67.
L. Ironi, S. Tentoni: Automated detection of electrocardiographic diagnostic
features through an interplay between Spatial Aggregation and Computational Geometry, in: J. Zabkar, I. Bratko (Eds.), Proc 23rd International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 22-24 June 2009, pp.54-61.
L. Ironi, S. Tentoni: An innovative approach to automatically detect and interpret salient spatiotemporal features of a numeric field: a case study in Electrocardiographic Imaging, in: T.E. Simos, G. Maroulis (Eds.), Int. Conf. on Computational Methods in Science end Engineering 2008 (ICCMSE 2008), American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, 1148(2009) 142-145.
R. Guglielmann, L. Ironi: A divide-and-conquer strategy for qualitative simulation of complex dynamical systems, in: J. de Kleer, K.D. Forbus (Eds.), Proc. 24th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning, Portland (Oregon), 8-10 August 2010, pp.10-17.
Liliana Ironi, Stefania Tentoni: An Automated Tool for the Detection of Electrocardiographic Diagnostic Features based on Spatial Aggregation and Computational Geometry, Proc. of 2nd International Workshop on Medical Image Analysis and Description for Diagnosis Systems (in conjuntion with BIOSTEC 2011), Rome, January 2011, pp. 3-12.
L. Ironi, D.X. Tran:
Model-based design of synthetic networks, in: F. Ortuno, I.
Rojas Eds.,
{\em Proc. of the 2nd International Work-Conference on
Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering}, Granada 2014, Vol.2, 977-988
A.M. Dovier, P. Forcheri, G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi, M.T. Molfino, G. Olimpo, O. Pedemonte, E. Provera, E. Sassi, G. Verrone: AED nell'insegnamento delle materie tecnico-scientifiche: una proposta di orientamento alla scelta dei prodotti presenti sul mercato, Atti Congresso AICA, Pavia, (1981), 3, 1223-1239.
L. Ironi: Modelli Qualitativi, in: La strutturazione del Sapere Biomedico a cura di C. Cobelli, M. Stefanelli, V. Tagliasco, Patron
Editore, Bologna, (1988), 109-124.
L. Ironi: The Eleventh International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning,
AI Magazine , (1998), 109-111.
G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi: Esercitazioni di algebra lineare e di analisi numerica programmate mediante elaboratore elettronico, Pubbl. 85 I.A.N.-C.N.R., (1974), 1-92.
G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi, M. Italiani: Un sistema di software per l'istruzione assistita da calcolatore, Atti Congresso A.I.C.A., Genova (1975), 333-338.
G. Graziano, L. Ironi: Su un modello matematico della meccanica respiratoria, Atti Convegno L'Uso dei Modelli nella Diagnostica Medica, Pavia (1976), 815-819.
G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi: Il sistema LANCAI per l'istruzione assistita da calcolatore, Pubbl. 135 I.A.N.-C.N.R., (1976), 1-95.
L. Ironi, M. Italiani, L. Sartori: SIGDS : Un sistema interattivo per la gestione di dati sperimentali, Pubbl. 210 I.A.N.-C.N.R., (1979), 1-34.
G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi: Una revisione del corso FORTRAN , Pubbl. 232 I.A.N.-C.N.R., (1980), 1-41.
G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi: LANFIT : Un package grafico interattivo per l'approssimazione di dati sperimentali, Atti II Incontro Naz. Applicazione degli Elaboratori nella Didattica, Sorrento, (1980), 1-11.
L. Borghi, A. De Ambrosis, G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi, P. Mascheretti, C.I. Massara: Uso del calcolatore nello studio di fenomeni d'urto, Atti Congresso AICA, Padova, (1982), 91-97.
G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi: Uso dell'elaboratore per la costruzione di dialoghi tutoriali, Lezioni tenute al Seminario Residenziale
Estivo su Applicazione degli Elaboratori nella Didattica, Lecce, Pubbl. 389 I.A.N.-C.N.R., (1982), 1-70.
L. Borghi, A. De Ambrosis, G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi, P. Mascheretti, C.I. Massara: Esperienze sull'uso dell'elaboratore nell'insegnamento di alcuni argomenti di meccanica presso l'Università di Pavia, Atti Conv. su L'Università e l'Evoluzione delle Tecnologie Informatiche, C.I.L.E.A., Milano, (1983), 16.1-16.5.
L. Borghi, A. De Ambrosis, G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi, P. Mascheretti, C.I. Massara: L'uso dell'elaboratore nella didattica della Fisica: risultati di una collaborazione tra ricercatori nel campo delle AED e della didattica della fisica, Atti Giornata di lavoro su: Il ruolo dell'elaboratore nella didattica della fisica, Pavia, (1983), 11-22.
G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi: L'uso dell'elaboratore nelladidattica della Matematica e della Fisica: l'esperienza condotta presso l'Istituto di Analisi Numerica del C.N.R., Proc. Atti Convegno Internazionale "Informatica e Nuove Tecnologie per l'Educazione e la Formazione", Bologna, (1985), 281-286.
L. Borghi, A. De Ambrosis, G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi, P. Mascheretti, C.I. Massara: Il computer e lo studio del moto in sistemi di riferimento diversi, Atti DIDAMATICA '88 - Informatica per la didattica, Milano (1988), 379-382.
L. Ironi: Qualitative models and Applications to Medical Diagnosis, Proceedings of the 9th France-URSS-Italy Joint Symposium in Computational Mathematics and Applications, INRIA-Sophia Antipolis, (1991), 139-157.
L. Ironi: Qualitative models in medical reasoning, Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering, Nicosia, Cipro, (1994), vol.2, 408-411.
Liliana IRONI
September 2004